Lieblingsort: Neukoelln
Searching for a venue, offering art
I'm looking for a small gallery/space where 20-30 guests can sit and watch the video projection.
I need it on
27 of June from 20.00 till 22.00
28 of June from 12.00 till 14.00
29 of June from 14.00 till 19.00
Would be very grateful for your help!
I'm looking for a small gallery/space where 20-30 guests can sit and watch the video projection.
I need it on
27 of June from 20.00 till 22.00
28 of June from 12.00 till 14.00
29 of June from 14.00 till 19.00
Would be very grateful for your help!
Contact e-mail
Other contact information
I'm also available on Telegram: @photofreedom